Welcome to our blog, where we share valuable insights, tips, and expert advice on a range of topics related to health, wellness, and more. Explore our articles to stay informed and empowered on your journey to a healthier and happier you.
Welcome to our blog, where we share valuable insights, tips, and expert advice on a range of topics related to health, wellness, and more. Explore our articles to stay informed and empowered on your journey to a healthier and happier you.
Back Pain In The Morning
Have you ever experienced back pain in the morning? Do you wake up and struggle to get yourself out of bed because of pain? Have you tried different 'miracle remedies' for back pain but have never found a solution? Don't give up. There is always hope. Let's first...
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction- SPD
“I feel like my body is going to split in two. The pain is almost unbearable. I don’t even want to move.” This is a common expression of a pregnant woman who is experiencing SPD or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. SPD is where the joint of the anterior (or front) of the...
Chiropractic Care or Physical Therapy
As I encounter potential patients I am occasionally asked whether chiropractic care of physical therapy might be more effective for their particular condition. I have learned that there seems to exist a feeling among some that one should always seek physical therapy...
Cold Laser Therapy
We are excited to announce the addition of a new service to our clinic. Cold Laser Therapy (also referred to as Low Level Light Therapy- LLLT) is now available. This service can be received in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments and other therapies or can be...
Pregnancy Chiropractic Statistics
There are limited resources for accessing information and statistics about chiropractic care during pregnancy. Our patients have reported wonderful results regarding chiropractic care during pregnancy, but few publications have research the matter. In an effort to...
Arm & Hand pain
Are you experiencing hand or arm pain? There are many possible causes for this and almost all of them can be addressed through chiropractic treatment and ancillary therapies offered at our clinic. It's true that the source of the pain may be at the area the pain is...
Breech Presentation Treatment Options
If you have just been told your baby is in the breech position and you are 34-37 weeks pregnant this article is for you. What does breech mean? It simply means the baby is not in the correct position to allow a proper birth without complications- head down. During...
Referred Pain
Referred pain is when pain is felt in a different place in the body then where the source of the pain is located. This is very common with the shoulder and neck. A muscle trigger point in a rotator cuff muscle can elicit pain into the forearm and hand. Neck...
Pregnancy Chiropractic FAQ’s
Q: Is Chiropractic care safe during pregnancy? A: There are adaptations that need to be made when providing care during pregnancy. We are certified and proficient in the Webster Technique- a technique that was specifically created for use during pregnancy. We...
Back pain during pregnancy
One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is back pain. I often hear pregnant women say “my back hurts, but I guess that just comes with the territory, right?” Wrong. It doesn’t have to be that way. Studies have shown that around 85% of pregnant women...
Who’s in charge of YOUR health??
With all the buzz about health care in politics I thought I should address an issue that has been on my mind lately. I will do my best to avoid any political discussion as this website is meant to promote health and wellness and not to discuss political philosophy. ...
The Webster Technique
What is The Webster Technique? The Webster technique is based upon removing tension and torsion from within the pelvis, including its bony structures, ligaments, and muscles. Doing so reduces strain on the fetus and provides the expecting mother relief from low back...