One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is back pain. I often hear pregnant women say “my back hurts, but I guess that just comes with the territory, right?” Wrong. It doesn’t have to be that way. Studies have shown that around 85% of pregnant women experience back pain, but less than half of those seek care or treatment. There could be many reasons why, but it is clear to me that most simply don’t know that there is treatment available.

In my professional experience women who seek chiropractic care to manage low back pain and other complaints are happier with their pregnancy, better understand the changes occuring in the body, and feel more in control of what is happening with their body. Studies also support this showing that 84% of pregnant women who utilize chiropractic care report relief from back pain. Those patients who receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy (at least once a month) report back to me that their labor and delivery seemed uncomplicated and “easier” than they expected- even when it’s not their first experience.  Additional reports show that women sho seek chiropractic care during pregnancy experience 24%-40% shorter labor and delivery times.

Back pain during pregnancy is generally caused by the loosening of ligaments in the sacroiliac (SI) joint. This type of low back pain can be easily identified. Here are some identifying questions:
• Is the pain very local and specific?
• Does it seem as though you can put the finger right on the pain?
• Is the pain located on either side of your spine right around your belt line?
• Is the pain mostly achy, but occasionally sharp?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then this is most likely SI pain. If the source of your pain isn’t the SI joint we can still help.  Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a fantastic way to help alleviate the pain, avoid the recurrence of the pain, and promote healthy biomechanics (body motion) throughout maternity and into labor and delivery.

Prenatal chiropractic care is different than most other types. The pregnant women’s body must be treated more gently. The Webster technique is a specialized protocol to be used for pregnancy. When looking for a chiropractor during pregnancy you should ask if they are familiar with this technique and if they are certified to perform it. Whenever possible seek a chiropractic that is certified and proficient in the technique. Basic chiropractic care and techniques can help, but there is additional value in the Webster technique. Dr. Reynolds has been certified and is proficient in the Webster technique. He is also available at two different locations within the salt lake valley- Salt Lake City and Draper, Utah.

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