Chiropractic Care or Physical Therapy

As I encounter potential patients I am occasionally asked whether chiropractic care of physical therapy might be more effective for their particular condition.  I have learned that there seems to exist a feeling among some that one should always seek physical therapy after an auto collision injury and not for chiropractic care.  Although I fully respect and honor what physical therapist provide for their patients I must admit I was puzzled at some of the reasoning for this sentiment.  I found that those who favored PT after auto collision injuries simply believed that chiropractic did not actually help the patient find pain relief and that their treatments were based upon non-medical criteria and had no research to support such care. They claimed that there was no data to support the success of chiropractic care.  They also argued that chiropractic physicians have insufficient education and quailifications.  These two statements are simply wrong.

There has been a lot of research into whether of not chiropractic care can provide pain relief to auto collision victims.  These studies also showed that chiropractic patients not only found relief from pain quicker, but were able to return to work faster and experienced fewer recurrent episodes of pain than those who sought care from other types of care.  I need to add that there is a wide array of chiropractors and the types of care they provide are varying.  Chiropractors who provide care for auto collision injury patients and do not prescibe home care- exercises and stretching- are not providing the standard of care they ought to be.

In regards to education,  chiropractic college admission requirements include courses that most often add up to over 3 years of undergraduate studies.  This being the case most students chose to finish their bachelor’s degree before admission into chiropractic college.  And as is the standard for a doctorate degree chiropractic college is a four year academic endeavor, bringing the total years of education to approximately 8.  In addition,  Chiropractic Physicians are portal of entry providers and are professionally qualified to examine, diagnose, and treat auto collision injuries. Those who specialize in this care are usually very experienced and have additional education and credentials for auto collision injury care.

If you have been involved in an auto collision and are seeking care, please consider this information when making your decision.  Often times patients seek advice from an MD who may not be fully aware of this information or may not be familiar enough with chiropractic care to make a proper referral.  Remember, you are in charge of your own healthcare.  Educate yourself before making any decision.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Reynolds please call 801-810-4144. We are available to treat patients in Draper, Utah as well as Salt Lake City, Utah.

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