Welcome to our blog, where we share valuable insights, tips, and expert advice on a range of topics related to health, wellness, and more. Explore our articles to stay informed and empowered on your journey to a healthier and happier you.


Welcome to our blog, where we share valuable insights, tips, and expert advice on a range of topics related to health, wellness, and more. Explore our articles to stay informed and empowered on your journey to a healthier and happier you.

Chiropractic as Preventative Care for Children

Chiropractic as Preventative Care for Children

With the start of a new school year, our minds often turn to flu-shots, hand sanitizer and vitamin C! But, did you know that regular adjustments can be a very effective way to boost your child's immune system? Psychology Today published a very interesting article by...

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Can Acupuncture Help You?

Can Acupuncture Help You?

Acupuncture may be a modality that you have not yet considered! But, it can be very effective in the treatment and prevention of many chronic and painful conditions. Do you suffer from allergies, insomia, stress, anxiety or chronic pain? Acupunture works with the...

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Pubic Pain During Pregnancy

Pubic Pain During Pregnancy

Statistics show that 85% of pregnant woman experience pain, but less than half of those seek care.  As it seems most pregnancy pain is simply tolerated and endured. Because of the severity of pain as well as the impact on function those that have pubic pain seem to...

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Is Chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Is Chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

As a Chiropractor I occasionally get asked about the safety of the treatment I provide.  For years the public perception of chiropractic was at least mildly skeptical about the safety and efficacy of the care offered. Chiropractic care, when used appropriately and...

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Eliminate Debilitating Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Hip Pain is Common in Pregnancy Many of our pregnant patients list hip pain as a complaint at their initial visit. I do not believe that pain during pregnancy is "normal" or "just needs to be endured." So I take it upon myself to help each patient recognize the source...

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How to Get Relief from Sciatica While Pregnant

How to Get Relief from Sciatica While Pregnant

Sciatica Verses SI Pain? Many patients come into our office on a regular basis telling us they need help with their “sciatic pain.” They come to us because their OB/GYNs often refer them for sciatic treatment. However, after performing a thorough history and...

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Pregnancy pain- Below the belt!

Pregnancy pain- Below the belt!

One of the most common pains during pregnancy is usually not complained about.  Most, if not all, pregnant women experience pain or stretching just below the belt line and a few inches to either side. It will act like a catching or stretching pain in the morning while...

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Natural Joint Pain Relief

Natural Joint Pain Relief

Natural joint pain relief is something that is searched for frequently in our society.  Many people continue to try new pharmaceutical products or nutritional supplements that claim to have fantastic results, just to find out months or years later that those products...

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How To Relieve Neck Pain From Sleeping

How To Relieve Neck Pain From Sleeping

What is the trick on how to relieve neck pain from sleeping? The answer is in the question: sleep habits. We spend almost one-third of our lives sleeping, but we rarely put any sort of priority on our sleep habits.  This includes sleep equipment (mattress, pillow,...

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