Eliminate Debilitating Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Hip Pain is Common in Pregnancy

Many of our pregnant patients list hip pain as a complaint at their initial visit. I do not believe that pain during pregnancy is “normal” or “just needs to be endured.” So I take it upon myself to help each patient recognize the source of their pain. I also help them to identify what they are doing to either cause or exacerbate the problem.  It is true that hip pain during pregnancy is not uncommon. Yet there are solutions to this problem. I am more than happy to give options to anyone who is experiencing hip pain or pain of any kind during pregnancy.

3 Main Types of Hip Pain in Pregnancy

I generally see 3 different types of hip pain:

  1. Low back pain slightly to the side.
  2. Pain almost exactly on the side of the leg or hip.
  3. Pain on the front of the hip, which can also be deep.

Each of these complaints can have different origins. Almost without exception, I find that the patient has some bad habits that are causing the hip pain. Our treatment is specific for all 3 types of hip pain. It is my role to teach the patient to identify what it is that makes that pain worse, and eliminate it. I often find that some of the things that make pain worse during pregnancy are posture-related.

Chiropractic During Pregnancy is Essential

The word seems to be getting out, but it is traveling very slowly: Chiropractic care during pregnancy can be life-saving! I’m not speaking of life and death, but of saving or preserving the functionality or lifestyle of the pregnant woman. In seeking out chiropractic care, it is imperative to find a chiropractor who is certified and specializes in working with pregnant women. I have seen fantastic results for those whom I treat during pregnancy. The most common benefits that are reported back to me include pain relief, increased mobility, increased quality time with family, improved sleep quality and duration, proper fetal position, decreased labor and delivery times, and an overall increase in happiness about the pregnancy experience. Click here for a testimonial about how I have helped one mother through 3 of her pregnancies. I have helped hundreds just like her.

Stop Suffering Through Your Pregnancy

The worse thing to do at this point is wait until you can’t handle it anymore. Why suffer if you don’t have to? You have a family, a life, and a birth to prepare for. We can provide you with help NOW, and we will likely be able to decrease your need for treatment later on. Not only will this drastically improve your quality of life, beginning with your first visit, but it will also decrease your overall medical costs.

Book Your Appointment NOW! Call or Text 801-810-4144

If you or someone you know is pregnant, please do not hesitate. Call or TEXT us at 801-810-4144 to schedule an appointment. Our office hours are setup to be able to accommodate most schedules without complication.

Are you also experiencing Sciatica during pregnancy? Often when expecting mothers come to me complaining of sciatic pain, it’s actually something else. Either way, WE CAN HELP! Learn more about Sciatica during pregnancy.

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