Sleeping Positions

Sleeping Positions

I have been told your preferred  sleeping position can tell a lot about your personality.  Your sleeping position can also tell a lot about your physical health as well.  The average person spends about 1/3 of each day sleeping, yet most of us don’t concern...
Auto Insurance & Auto Collision Injury

Auto Insurance & Auto Collision Injury

There seems to be so many questions regarding auto insurance following an accident  (or collision).  Most people who are not seriously injured seem to take care of their vehicle first without thought as to their own health or wellness.  This is understandable.  What...
How Many Visits?

How Many Visits?

Who hasn’t heard the myth that once you see a chiropractor you’ll have to keep going back for the rest of your life. Most chiropractic patients arrive at their doctor’s office with months or years of problems.  They are in pain and just want to get...
Breech Presentation Treatment Options

Breech Presentation Treatment Options

If you have just been told your baby is in the breech position and you are 34-37 weeks pregnant this article is for you. What does breech mean?  It simply means the baby is not in the correct position to allow a proper birth without complications- head down.  During...
Referred Pain

Referred Pain

Referred pain is when pain is felt in a different place in the body then where the source of the pain is located.  This is very common with the shoulder and neck.  A muscle trigger point in a rotator cuff muscle can elicit pain into the forearm and hand.  Neck...