Should I get examined after an Auto Collision?

Should I get examined after an Auto Collision?

If you have been involved in an auto collision chances are you have sustained injuries.  The smallest of collisions can cause injury to the structures of the neck, spine, and musculature.  While it is true that some injuries with heal naturally without any...
Chiropractic Care or Physical Therapy

Chiropractic Care or Physical Therapy

As I encounter potential patients I am occasionally asked whether chiropractic care of physical therapy might be more effective for their particular condition.  I have learned that there seems to exist a feeling among some that one should always seek physical therapy...
Auto Insurance & Auto Collision Injury

Auto Insurance & Auto Collision Injury

There seems to be so many questions regarding auto insurance following an accident  (or collision).  Most people who are not seriously injured seem to take care of their vehicle first without thought as to their own health or wellness.  This is understandable.  What...