Natural Relief For Joint Pain- Cold Laser

Are you looking for natural relief for joint pain? Do you endure pain just to be able to function at a minimal level?  Do you avoid activities that you love because the pain just is too excruciating?  Have you tried to find relief but haven’t found anything that is worth the side effects?  We have good news for you- There may be a new treatment for you to try.  Cold laser therapy is a fantastic way to find joint pain relief.  It is based upon adding light or energy to each individual cell helping it to function at a healthier state.  This therapy enjoys a wide range of benefits.

First, it has no significant side effects when properly  applied.  “Cold” laser means that it does not create heat inside the tissues it is targeting. This prevents it from incurring inflammation.  Additionally, it doesn’t simply hide the pain, but helps the area to heal faster by providing it with energy.  In our opinion, this therapy is vastly superior to any synthetic drug or surgery due to its natural effects. In addition, this therapy is affordable and can be applied to almost any condition other than to the eye or thyroid gland.

Cold laser therapy has been tested for use on neck pain, carpal tunnel pain, and for plantar fascists to name a few.  For each of these and many more conditions it has seen great results with no side effects.  For some this therapy is a fantastic, conservative and natural alternative to surgery.  It can reduce pain, help tissues to heal, and avoid any damage to the liver, stomach, blood stream, or any other body system.  These organs and systems are allowed to function without interference and may actually be improved.

There are different types of cold lasers on the market today.  Some of the brands have specific wavelengths that have been tested to provide specific benefits- neurological improvement, superficial tissue healing, and decreased inflammation.  The laser therapy we provide includes two different laser wavelengths which optimize pain relief and tissue healing in one treatment. We combine this treatment with our chiropractic care to provide patients with the best possible pain relief.

For a treatment to be successful it not only needs to provide pain relief, but it also must provide that relief in a long-lasting manner.  When chiropractic care is used in conjunction with cold laser therapy we are more likely to see that relief being enjoyed for a long  period of time.  This is due to our approach of finding the source of the pain, along with its contributing factors.  This not only provides relief, but corrects the cause of the condition and prevents recurrence.

If you are interested in natural relief for joint pain consider cold laser therapy.  Chiropractic adjustments supplemented with cold laser therapy have a very high success rate at pain relief and elimination.  Contact our office to schedule a no charge consultation with Dr. Reynolds to answer any questions you might have concerning this treatment of any other treatments that we can offer. Call 801-810-4144 to schedule today.

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